11 Industrial Interior Design Dos & Don’ts (2024)

Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs joined APX Construction Group in June of 2020 specializing in interior design, marketing, event planning, and business development.
  • Industrial interior design has gained immense popularity for its raw, edgy, and unique appeal. If you’re considering transforming your living space into an industrial haven, this guide is for you! We’ll explore the DOs and DON’Ts of industrial interior design to help you achieve that perfect blend of urban chic and practicality.

    Inside this blog:

    • 11 of the top DOs + DON’Ts for industrial interior design
    • Tips under each DO + DON’T to follow

    Ready to get started on your next project?

    Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about industrial interior design so you can ensure a smooth and beautiful project in 2024!

    1. Embrace Raw Materials and Textures 🧱


    • Exposed Brick: Expose brick walls to add texture and an authentic industrial feel, and consider leaving them in their natural state or applying a clear sealant to protect and enhance their appearance.
    • Metal Elements: Incorporate metal accents, such as steel beams, fixtures, and furniture, for an industrial edge, ensuring they are well-maintained to prevent rust and corrosion.
    • Reclaimed Wood: Use reclaimed wood for furniture or wall cladding to introduce warmth and contrast, and consider refinishing the wood with eco-friendly products to preserve its character.


    • Overpolish: Avoid overly polished or pristine materials that detract from the industrial aesthetic.
    • Fake Finishes: Steer clear of faux industrial materials; authenticity is key in this design style.

    2. Opt for an Open Layout 🏗️



    • Open Spaces: Embrace open floor plans to create a sense of spaciousness and flow.
    • Exposed Ceilings: Leave ceilings exposed, showcasing ductwork and beams for an industrial vibe.


    • Partition Heavily: Avoid excessive room dividers or walls that inhibit the open feel; instead, use transparent or minimalistic partitions like steel-framed glass to maintain the sense of spaciousness.
    • Overcomplicate: Keep the design uncluttered; avoid too many decorative elements that disrupt the simplicity of the style, focusing on a few well-chosen pieces that enhance the industrial aesthetic without overwhelming the space.

    3. Prioritize Functionality 🪚


    • Practical Furniture: Choose furniture that’s both stylish and functional, like industrial-style storage units or convertible pieces.
    • Industrial Lighting: Opt for task lighting with an industrial flair, such as pendant lights and sconces.


    • Sacrifice Comfort: While functionality is important, don’t forget about comfort. Balance aesthetics with livability.
    • Overlook Lighting: Ensure you have sufficient lighting; overly dim spaces can dampen the ambiance.

    4. Showcase Industrial Artwork 🎨


    • Industrial Art: Decorate with industrial-themed artwork, such as metal sculptures or abstract pieces.
    • Vintage Posters: Display vintage posters or signage that complements the industrial aesthetic.


    • Overcrowd Walls: Avoid cluttering walls with too many artworks; select a few standout pieces.
    • Mismatched Art: Ensure the art fits the overall industrial theme; avoid pieces that clash with the style.

    5. Play with Neutral Colors ⚪



    • Neutral Palette: Stick to neutral colors like gray, black, white, and earth tones for the primary palette.
    • Accent Colors: Use pops of color sparingly to add visual interest.


    • Bright Overload: Avoid overwhelming the space with vibrant or mismatched colors.
    • Neglect Color Balance: Maintain a balance between neutral tones and accent colors for a harmonious look.

    6. Add Greenery and Soft Textiles 🛋️


    • Indoor Plants: Bring in greenery with potted plants or hanging gardens to soften the industrial look.
    • Soft Textiles: Balance the harshness of industrial materials with soft textiles like rugs, cushions, and curtains.


    • Overdecorate: Avoid overcrowding with too many soft furnishings; keep it balanced.
    • Excessive Clutter: Be mindful not to clutter the space with too many plants or textiles.

    7. Showcase Industrial Hardware 🔩


    • Exposed Hardware: Keep hardware exposed and visible, such as door handles, hinges, and faucets.
    • Industrial Doors: Consider sliding barn doors or steel-framed glass doors for an authentic touch.


    • Cover Hardware: Avoid covering hardware with excessive decoration or concealment.
    • Inappropriate Doors: Ensure that industrial doors fit the overall design; don’t use them where they don’t make sense.

    8. Incorporate Vintage Finds 🕰️


    • Vintage Furniture: Scour antique shops for vintage furniture pieces that complement the industrial style.
    • Old Factory Pieces: Incorporate salvaged factory pieces like old workbenches or machinery as decor.


    • Overdo It: Avoid going overboard with vintage items; choose a few standout pieces.
    • Mismatches: Ensure that vintage finds blend well with the overall design; avoid items that clash.

    9. Pay Attention to Flooring 🏠


    • Concrete Floors: Embrace concrete floors for an authentic industrial look, or consider concrete-look tiles.
    • Area Rugs: Use area rugs to soften the coldness of concrete and add warmth.


    • Neglect Flooring: Pay attention to the flooring; neglecting it can disrupt the overall design.
    • Mismatched Rugs: Ensure that rugs complement the style; avoid overly ornate or busy patterns.

    10. Balance Openness with Privacy 🔒


    • Steel Partitions: Consider steel-framed partitions with glass inserts to maintain openness while creating defined spaces.
    • Curtains: Use industrial-style curtains or drapes to add privacy when needed.


    • Full Transparency: Avoid making every space fully transparent; some privacy is essential in a home.
    • Overly Heavy Partitions: Ensure that partitions don’t make the space feel too closed off or heavy.

    11. Personalize Your Space 🖼️


    • Personal Touches: Add personal elements like family photos or unique decor that reflect your personality.
    • DIY Projects: Consider DIY industrial-style projects to make your space even more unique.


    • Cookie-Cutter Look: Avoid creating an industrial design space that looks like a showroom; make it your own.
    • Overwhelm with Personal Items: Strike a balance; too many personal items can clutter industrial spaces.

    📋 Industrial Interiors Design Checklist 📋

    Here’s a checklist to help guide your industrial interior design project:

    • Expose brick walls or incorporate brick veneer.
    • Integrate metal elements and accents.
    • Use reclaimed wood for furniture or decor.
    • Create an open layout with exposed ceilings.
    • Prioritize functionality in furniture and lighting choices.
    • Showcase industrial-themed artwork and vintage posters.
    • Maintain a neutral color palette with carefully chosen accent colors.
    • Embrace the use of raw materials and textures.
    • Keep the design uncluttered and open.
    • Choose comfortable furniture that doesn’t sacrifice style.
    • Ensure sufficient and well-placed industrial-style lighting.

    Create Your Perfect Space

    Industrial interior design is all about finding harmony between rugged materials, functionality, and aesthetics. By following these DOs and DON’Ts, you can create a space that beautifully captures the essence of the industrial style while ensuring it remains comfortable and personalized for you and your family. So, roll up your sleeves and start designing your industrial haven! 

    Contact our team of experts at APX Construction today and we’ll make sure your exact vision for your next project becomes a reality. Shoot us a message about what you want to build and we’ll get the ball rollin’!

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